Κυριακή 13 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Thanks/ my dearest Ariadne http://worldpoetry.ca.....

A wonderful gift from a loving heart Ariadne

My lyrics for a big thank you for your hospitality in beautiful page of

"In a blue heart

will the sun always rises "


Old Sky, stars
Light bottomless pots
the cloudy world
the power of the earth
On days of Kindness
life fits
a brotherly hug
Apples bent
the wrist
to harvest the Sun
gold loves..........


Παλιά του Ουρανού άστρα 
φωτός απύθμενα αγγεία
στον θολό κόσμο 
στης γης την εξουσία
Στις μέρες της καλοσύνης 
η ζωή χωρά
σε αδελφική αγκαλιά

Μηλιές λυγισμένες 
από τον καρπό 
στου Ήλιου την σοδειά 
χρυσές αγάπες


World Poetry Proudly Presents Eftichia Kapardeli From Greece!

Ariadne’s note. A warm welcome to a talented Greek poetess Eftichia  Kapardeli! Our first feature from Greece. May we have many more!
Eftichia  Kapardeli was born in Athens and lives in Patras She writes poetry, stories, short stories, xai-kou , essays, novels, dealing with the painting. Participates in treble choirs as a soprano. She studied journalism AKEM (Athenian training center). She has participated in several training sessions, knowing H / Y 7 programs, English and Italian classical guitar.  Was a driver in Greek Scouts . She is a volunteer fire department fighter and to participates in voluntary programs such as a student listener for the 2004 Faculty of Philology at the University of Patras. She has had many awards in national competitions coming in  first, second and third prizes, accolades and honors. In 2008 she took second prize in the unpublished collection of poems by the club Parnassus. Has published 16 books and has awarded nearly all her work there is to many national and international anthologies Just a  for a few days, was the author of the Indian Academy Anthology http://worldpeaceacademy.blogspot.com/2010/10/poets-for-world-peace.html The first collections of poetry are confiding and light . She has a section at the University of Cyprus in Greek culture and is a member of the world poets society. The official website is http://world-poets.blogspot. com / is a member of the IWA (international writers) chaired by Teresinka Pereira Address Maizonos 229, TK 26222 Phone έως 2610 338248 6973930402 INTERNET: htt: / / durabond.ca / gdouridas / poetryArkadia.html
Στο ποτάμι του καιρού το νερό ξύπνησε ανυπόταχτο σαν το ακούραστο κορμί που την αγάπη με φλέβα ζωντανή μοιράζει με την βροχή με στόμα υγρό μαζί της να ενωθεί 
Οι μέρες, πέτρινες εντολές με χέρια  αξόδευτης δύναμης και με άσπρες πέτρες του βυθού χτίζω γέφυρα δυο κόσμους, δυο δρόμους δυο στεριές να ενώσω τα όνειρα  από τις όχθες της φθοράς να σώσω 
Βυθίζομαι  στην πέτρα γίνομαι στήριγμα γερό Γέφυρα βάσταξε τον Ουρανό το ξάστερο συναίσθημα
The river of time water woke rebellious as tireless body you lovevein with livesplits with the rainoral liquid together to unite 
These days, stone commands with hands, forces not spendand white stones the sea bedbuilding bridges Two worlds, two streets two lands to join dreams of shores of wear to save
Immersed in stone become solid support Bridge lasted Heaven the starry feeling
Eftichia  Kapardeli (C)

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